
Lost at Sea

Lost at sea
a cry
piercing like the screech of a lone gull.

Are you a shadow
lurking in the swaying kelp?

A flying fish trapped
beneath the thrashing breakers

A beacon
Smothered in the dense coastal fog

Lost without completing your voyage

Or rather

Lost at sea
a murmur
soothing like the gentle lap of the waves.

You are a whitecap
Sailing across the endless, azure ocean

A dolphin
playfully riding the surf

The sea spray
launched into the air, flipping, tumbling and flying free

The shimmer
ascending the golden steps at sunset to eternity

Lost in your own personal paradise.

Ever since I got the call that my brother was lost at sea my mind has been caught between thinking a million horrific thoughts and knowing that there is no other place Sean would rather be spending all of his time. My hope is that someday we can all be at peace with his resting place, like the latter part of the poem. I do know, that that is what Sean would want.

Happy Birthday, Seaners. I miss you.